

It is proposed to consolidate all existing Prohibition of Driving (PoD) Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) for Gloucester City Centre to include part or entire lengths of the following roads; Berkeley Street, Bull Lane, College Street, Eastgate Street, Northgate Street, Southgate Street, St Johns Lane and Westgate Street. It is proposed to revoke the PoD on a section of Northgate Street and the addition of a PoD on a section of Greyfriars. Please see enclosed plan.

Existing PoD orders for Gloucester City Centre will be consolidated for administrative purposes. This exercise will aim to make the existing restrictions clearer to the public through legal orders and signage. Following a review of the existing orders it is proposed that a section of driving prohibition on Northgate Street from its junction with The Oxbode to its junction with Worcester Street will be revoked to allow blue badge holders, taxi’s and delivery vehicles to utilise the area for better access to the city centre. It is proposed to add a PoD in Greyfriars, from Southgate Street to the turning head area. This will ensure it is included in the PoD area and that the restriction and signage will be consistent with surrounding streets. Exemptions such as ‘except for access’ will apply, these will remain in line with existing PoD TROs in this area. The majority of existing exemptions will apply plus an addition to exempt Bullion vehicles. There will be no other changes to the existing Prohibition of Driving on the named street’s, there may however be changes to the way the restriction will be signed, these will be compliant with updated regulations.

Please could you send me any comments you wish to make no later than Friday 12th January 2018.

Kind regards

Alexis Newport

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