Three new landlords at The Sword Inn are breathing life into the cheery local on Westgate Street.

Marc, Brook and Katrina are keen to welcome regulars and new customers to the historic Craft Union pub. The Sword Inn shows live sports every day in the spacious building and is one of the UK’s 400 Craft Union pubs which have a focus on reflecting the community, sports and offering cheaper pints.

The new landlords took over the pub last January and aim to bring in more local ales, live music and events along with looking at getting more involved in local sports. Marc and Katrina have both run pubs before, while Brook is a PHD research student. All are fully committed to running the pub 24/7.

Brook said, ‘We love the location here on Westgate Street. We have a lot of locals, some who have been coming here for up to 50 years. We welcome them, and also aim to get a more diverse customer with an emphasis on making it a safe space for women and the LGBT community. We have huge plans for this place and plan to stay here for a while. We have various themed nights planned along with keeping current events such as the Bonus Ball.’

Research shows that The Sword Inn is the original name dating from 1680. It has been known as the Union and the House of the Tailor of Gloucester. The former to celebrate the unification of Ireland with England in 1847 and the latter celebrating the fact that the right-hand building with the false front was the workshop of the real Tailor of Gloucester, John Prichard.

Newcomer to Gloucester Brook said, ‘I’m really enjoying Gloucester. The people are really friendly and so cheerful: it reminds me of a small town or village as everyone seems to know everyone and all the local business owners are really friendly.’

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