
Join in the City’s celebrations of an important time in the history of Gloucester.

Gloucester Day is an annual celebration of the time in 1643, when the City stood against the full might of King Charles I and his army, suffering 26 days of constant pounding until September 5, when the siege was lifted – hence Gloucester becoming known as “The City saved by God”.

The modern celebration of Gloucester Day is organised by Town Crier Alan Myatt and is supported by Gloucester City council. It is a free event and centres on a large parade that will make its way through the four Gate Streets, led by the Mayor of Gloucester, Councillor Lorraine Campbell, and the Sheriff of Gloucester, Councillor Pam Tracey, in full Civic Regalia. 

The parade includes veterans of the armed forces along with cadets, representatives of the emergency services and charitable organisations, historical re-enactors including a superb Richard III on his magnificent white horse, and many others, all marching proudly through the city. 

In addition to the ceremonial proceedings, the four gate streets will be lined with stalls and King’s Square will be the venue for entertainment including music, dancing, food and participation by community groups. 

Following on from the Mayor of Barton’s Parade at 11.00 in the morning, the Gloucester Day celebration starts with the big parade at 2.00pm on Saturday 7th September and continues until 6.00pm

It’s free and it’s fun for all, so don’t miss it!

Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk

Gloucester Day to take place this Saturday by Marketing | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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