
February 13th 2025 10am to 1pm at GL1

NHS Gloucestershire are holding an event called Building Futures, supporting people from Ukraine & other countries who have chosen to work and live their lives in the UK. They have invited over 300 people, many of whom are highly skilled and have completed our 2024 STEP programme in Gloucestershire attaining level 2 English as standard. Most are ready to work and willing to take a junior role within the company to start their new careers.
Additionally those who are further from the labour market could benefit from volunteering opportunities, work experience or job shadowing opportunities. Those who are not yet ready for work could also benefit from joining clubs or groups to help integrate into the community and learn more about what support is available. They will also have an area focusing on well-being – a Juice Bar and healthy eating advice, Mental Health support and financial advice to round out our holistic and inclusive approach to supporting our migrant community.
Up to 50 stall holders, including employers, training providers, clubs and support groups, along with well-being and advice groups will be invited to showcase roles within their companies, show what training could be available and create integration opportunities. We are also inviting support agencies such as GARAS, qualification translators, Adult Education, and a team of language interpreters to help the day run smoothly.

The event will be held in GL1 Leisure Centre in collaboration with The Migration Team at Gloucestershire County Council and Freedom Leisure. Doors will be open to jobseekers of all working ages, people looking for community and all drop-ins will be welcomed

To reserve your place and take advantage of this innovative event, please RSVP to confirm your booking at the address below:

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