
Gloucester BID is looking for 12 businesses in the BID area that are interested in having a themed piece of artwork installed and displayed on their window for the month of May.

The business must have a street level window that is large enough for a piece of themed artwork. There must also be easy access for an artist to that window from inside and out.

The theme for May’s windows is Pirate/Tall Ship and the 12 pieces will be designed and installed by local artist/s. Once appointed the artist/project manager will be in contact to arrange installation of the art, all must be completed by the end of the first weekend of May.

The choice of design for the window will be unique to the business and you will be able to choose your design on a first come, first served basis. To deliver an evenly spread installation, Gloucester BID will choose from the businesses that show interest, if your business is not chosen for this project, we will endeavour to include you on the next project.

There is no cost to BID members and all we ask is the above and your support on this project.

If you are interested please contact Emily Gibbon –

Deadline is April 26th.

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