Highlights for the Month

• 1st- CPOs assist Store by stopping male offender that had selected and concealed fragrances Value £76.00. Male was issued Yellow card and served ban notice from store.
• 2nd- CPOs remove suspicious items with drug paraphernalia inside local public house, all contents disposed of safely.
• 2nd- CPOs noticed a male & female acting strangely in a Store, only to then after received confirmation to stop the male in different store and retrieved a stolen fragrance tester.
• 2nd – CPOs speak to Group of Youths that were causing ASB issues in College Street, the group then left area with no further issues.
• 3rd- CPOs stop known offender for theft in members premises, all items retrieved, yellow card and ban issued, offender moved from the city.
• 3rd- CPOs remove aggressive male from Travel Agents, male was then taken to CGL to receive help.
• 3rd- CPOs carry out various visits to City Safe Members, making sure all radios and DISC access is all working ok.
• 4th- CPOs speak to several beggars and homeless around the city, all relevant and up-to date information provided for them to receive help and support.
• 5th- CPOs attend Mental Health Training at the Treasure Seekers Cavern.
• 5th – CPOs find male in distress and have concerns for welfare, CPOs assist the male and support him with giving the best information possible and putting male to the Mental Health team, the male was very grateful.
• 6th- CPOs detain offender for theft in Store, offender was issued Yellow card and Store banning notice.
• 6th- CPOs assist Stores Loss Prevention in stopping an offender that had stolen £112.00 worth of fragrances.
• 6th- CPOs assist Store and stop offender down in Cromwell Street, male was taken back to store and was issued Yellow card & store ban. Good retreived.
• 7th- CPOs stop known offender in a Store, offender is currently serving a CBO and had breached CBO and £92.00 stock retrieved.
• 7th- CPOs assist Store staff with male offender that had concealed up to £40.00 worth of chocolate and cosmetics, male was yellow carded and issued a store ban and removed from City Centre.
• 8th- CPOs assist Cathedral staff in removing intoxicated male from inside the Cathedral.
• 8th- CPOs assist Security with the retrieval of Alcohol that was stolen from store by 2 known street drinkers.
• 8th- CPOs Remove 2 drunken males from the local centre as they were causing issues with members in store, both males known to CPOs.
• 9th- CPOs stop known offender for theft in Store, male had stolen Stanley blades and other items, all items retrieved and male issued store ban and removed from City.
• 9th- CPOs stop known male & female offender in Shopping Centre for theft of confectionary, both were issued centre ban and removed from city.
• 9th- CPOs assist City Safe Manager in stopping known Female teenager that has been causing several ASB issues in and around the city.
• 10th- CPOs locate known prolific offender after male previously hit City Safe members premises and stolen 2 x coats, male was located by Glos Park and both coats retrieved, and male passed over to Police.
• 11th- CPOs assist elderly male who was struggling to walk and that had discharged himself from hospital, he needed getting mobile phone fixed, so was helped to shop and Taxi arranged to take him back to hospital.
• 11th – CPOs visit Transport Hub and identify offender that has been causing issues in the facility. Worked with City Council to come up with a solution to the issue.
• 11th – CPOs visit various City Safe Members around the Quays & Peel Centre.
• 12th- CPOs spot known female teenage offender who has been causing several ASB issues around the City Centre, she was monitored by CPOs until Police arrive to take her to Custody.
• 15th- CPOs locate and stop a prolific shoplifter that had taken items with-out payment from Store, male had breached a criminal behaviour order, all items retrieved, and male removed from City Centre and reported to police.
• 15th – CPOs visit Cathedral grounds, Gatekeeper shows area where stolen items were left, CPOs take the items back to Store, and review CCTV to identify offender.
• 16th- CPOs assist Store Loss Prevention with stopping known male for theft in store, male detained, yellow card issued, and all stock returned, male was advised to leave City Centre.
• 16th – CPOs receive Radio call from Police CCTV for concerns for welfare of a male located in Southgate St Car-park, male was very intoxicated and had suffered a cut to the head which CPOs assisted with first aid and cleaned up. Male then moved away from area refusing any other treatment.
• 17th – CPOs conduct various welfare visit’s to City Safe Members around the city centre.
• 18th- CPOs defuse altercation that occurred in King’s Square, all parties involved separated before Police attend.
• 19th-. CPOs speak to group of youths that were causing ASB issues in Restaurant, group was made aware that they are banned from unit until June at the request of management.
• 19th – CPOs speak to large group of youths on bikes on Market Parade, advise given to group regarding ASB issues with bikes will lead to bikes being confiscated.
• 19th – CPOs attend Hare Lane as reports from local Pub Doorman, that male had been assaulted, male was extremely intoxicated and refused first-aid treatment from CPOs. CPOs remain with male until Police and Paramedics attend.
• 20th- CPOs remove known group of female youths from Restaurant that are well known in the city for Anti-social behaviour.
• 21st- Easter Sunday.
• 22nd – CPOs retrieve stolen bottles of wine from 2 known street drinkers that had taken them from Store without payment.
• 22nd – CPOs engage with well known troubled female teenager that is well known for ASB issues in the City.
• 23rd – CPOs retrieve stolen handbag that had been reported stolen from Café in Eastgate Centre, this was found by Council street cleaner who informed CPOs, the bag to local Police station for owner to collect.
• 24th – CPOs and PCSOs remove male from KingsWalk that was causing issues in members store using digital camera.
• 24th – CPOs and City Safe Manager attend ASB meeting in College Street.
• 25th- CPOs assist Store with offender who was then later re-called back to prison due to the nature of offences.
• 25th – CPOs & PCSO make a stop on suspicious male & female in Store, both were known offenders from Cheltenham, both were advised to leave City Centre.
• 26th – CPOs stop known offender for offence in Store, all items retrieved, and offender moved from store and city centre.
• 26th – CPOs conduct welfare visit to Cavern on College Street, only to assist a member who was left in vulnerable state due to his disabilities and felt threatened by a support cleaner who was threating him for money and had stolen his bank card, CPOs assist with making sure his carers where informed and Police also.
• 28th – CPOs stop known offender in Store who had breached store ban for previous thefts and prevent male from offending and male was later arrested by officers.
• 29th – CPOs help identify known street drinker that was seen acting suspiciously in City Safe members premises.
• 30th – CPOs remove 2 known beggars from there location in city centre and pass all relevant information in order to help them get the additional help and support they require.

£2,636.73 recovered stolen goods by CPOs in April 2019

February 2019

Stores Visited Homeless Street Drinkers Rubbish ASB Suspicious behaviour Shoplifting Cards Issued

Week 1



39 26 3 4 18 9


Week 2


259 49 51 2 12 22 13


Week 3


181 39 48 2 8 8 3


Week 4


252 55 66 0 6 26 7



894 182 191 7 30 74 32


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