The graph shows the data for December. Not included in the graph is the number of shops visited, which is 817 for December.

89 Police CCTV Incidents attended for December 2020

Highlights for the Month

  • 1stTwo patrols today in the City Safe areas and Covid CPOs Barton and Tredworth.
  • Two very aggressive males arguing about wearing a mask, they did not believe the virus was real. After speaking with them and explaining the reasons why we are advising they stopped arguing and moved on.
  • Welfare issue for a female, managed to refer and get an interview with P3 Housing.
  • Pass on information reference a potential break in, the person was caught by builders and marched out of the area. Police informed.
  • 2ndAttended a meeting with all council representatives regarding regulations for Tier 2 Covid-19. Talked through the tasking and how each council is dealing.
  • Assisted a city safe store with a female shoplifter, all goods returned and paid for.
  • Stopped a fight on Southgate Street, two males arguing. Both separated and made to go different ways. Police arrived and spoke with one of the males.
  • 3rd Free parking in Kings Walk and Eastgate car park posters handed out around the city on behalf of the BID.
  • Assisted a store with a male who tried to steal clothing. No ID made as he had run off before the arrival of CPOs.
  • Two females who had been deterred from stealing passed over to Police CCTV to monitor.
  • Assisted a store where the staff had been intimidated by a male who had been refused a refund by store management.
  • 4th Assisted in locating and eventual arrest of a male who breached his CBO.
  • First on the scene with a young female who was on the edge of a car park and refusing to come down. Police called and response team turned up and took over this incident as was mental health related.
  • 5th Assisted in the identification of a shoplifter. All details added to DISC.
  • The above male returned to the store to try and steal again, he was detained, and police were called to arrest him.
  • A lost purse was located and returned to its owner.
  • Engaged with some local youths who were causing issues around the City.  After speaking with them they left the immediate area and took advice on board.
  • 6th Two teams in today to cover the City and BID areas, second team to cover the Barton and Tredworth area.
  • Checked all stores were Covid 19 Some words of advice given, but no major issues at all.
  • Several street beggars were moved on as they were becoming a bit aggressive.
  • 7th Called to assist by removing several street drinkers who were becoming a nuisance, there was no issues and they moved on.
  • Called to assist a store manager who was having issues with a male who was trying to get a refund on goods without the correct receipt and goods. PCSOs called and asked this person to leave store.
  • 8th Welfare incident – Found a young female claiming to be homeless, contacted all relevant agencies and P3 came out to talk with her.
  • Patrol around the Barton/Tredworth area with a member of the City Council environmental team to check all shops and stores in the area are complying with Covid regulations.
  • Two shoplifters dealt with during the day, processed and added to DISC.
  • City Council member patrolled the BID area team in the afternoon.
  • 9th Two patrols today the Barton and Tredworth areas, and the city safe BID areas.
  • Carried out tasks set by the Council and results of the checks passed back to them.
  • Reports of an unconscious male in St John Lane, on arrival found it was a known street drinker trying to sleep, he was woken up and encouraged to move on, after he was checked over and spoken to by PCSO.
  • 10th Welfare checks made on a street person, engaged with him, no medical issues.
  • Engaged with a well-known high-risk individual offered support, no further
  • Reported a person who has been breaching his CBO.
  • 11th Made checks on people collecting money for a charity, due to information these people were not a recognised charity, therefore should not be collecting from the public. Spoke with them and they ceased collecting.
  • Called to assist with a shoplifter who quickly became aggressive once caught, police were called, and this person was arrested. When searched by police a De-tagging machine was found.
  • 12th Two individuals reported for breaches of CBO.
  • A persistent aggressive beggar was spoken to and advised to leave the area, refused and police then caught him again and removed him.
  • 13thA drunk was removed from the train station early in the morning and this person was subsequently removed by CPOs from the Transport Hub later in the day.
  • The Drunk male from above was removed on a further two occasions from a pub in the city, he finally left the City.
  • Assisted two stores which had shoplifters in store. All details processed and added to DISC.
  • 14th Removed a known shoplifter from a city safe store, this individual was well known and has a city safe exclusion.
  • Two welfare incidents, both referred as required other agencies to sort them out.
  • 15th Statements provided to police for a case to continue.
  • An individual given a yellow card for unacceptable behaviour, one for ASB and COVID 19 breaches, both warnings added to DISC.
  • Shoplifter stopped in a city safe store, police involved, this person was processed and checked by police, all details added to DISC.
  • 16th Assist the police in looking for and locating a missing lad, police catch up with him.
  • Spent a lot of time looking for missing youth, checked all usual places, not found by CPOs.
  • Check all public areas for Covid 19 breaches, reminders to wear a mask at the bus station.
  • 17th Check all main public areas and big stores for compliance to COVID-19 rules.
  • Fake £20.00 notes handed in and taken to the Bank for destruction.
  • Dealt with store enquires regarding Covid-19 and other concerns.
  • 18th Called to assist with identification of two shoplifters trying to steal large amounts of alcohol, all De-tagged. The goods were retrieved but the males got away.
  • Met up with members of P3 for a catch up on the homeless and the ongoing referrals.
  • Caught a shoplifter in a city safe store who is banned and has a CBO banning him from the city, this male was arrested for these breaches.
  • 19th. Large theft from a city safe store, goods retrieved in store, but the two males ran off, they were stopped leaving Kings walk carpark and further goods retrieved. Car registration passed to CCTV.
  • An argument inside of a store was broken up by CPOs and both groups made to leave the store, this was over not wearing a face mask and public challenging behaviour.
  • Shoplifters checked for identification in a city safe store all details added to DISC.
  • 20th Two cases of shoplifting, both named and dealt with, assistance between police teams and CPOs.
  • Removal of street drinkers and beggars from public areas.
  • 21st Made aware of a Police anti- shoplifting operation on going today.
  • Disturbance in Eastgate Market dealt with, young youths opening boxes of toys which had not been paid for.
  • 22nd Two teams in today one in the Barton area and one covering the City and BID areas.
  • Shoplifter caught in main store; all details added to DISC. All goods retrieved.
  • Reported a barber shop who has repeatedly flouted the COVID-19 regulations, action required by Council.
  • A large group of street drinkers were removed from St John Lane, following report of them being rude to members of the public, this incident was passed to the police.
  • 23rd Managed with assistance of in store security to deter several shop lifting attempts worth several hundred pound each. All details added to DISC by each store.
  • Assisted with a health and safety issue, a forklift truck driving through the pedestrian area on Southgate during pedestrian time.
  • Removed a drunk male from the train station, he was removed from the immediate area and sobered up enough to catch the next train home (No BTP on duty).
  • 24th Spoke with and carried out a welfare check on two female street beggars.
  • Patrolled the Barton and Tredworth High street for COVID-19 Compliance. A Written report was handed in to the relevant agencies.
  • 25th No patrol during the day – Christmas Day.
  • 26th A shoplifting attempt was deterred by the instore security, CPOs asked to check CCTV for identification. Persons details added to DISC.
  • 27th Removed beggars from public locations, some being quite aggressive with their approach.
  • Called to assist with an aggressive individual who was being rude to staff in store, this person was spoken to and removed from the area.
  • 28th Welfare check made on a foreign national who was rude and displayed aggression when spoken to by staff, police called and took over talking to the person, he turned out to be homeless and was referred via street link.
  • Shoplifter detained and yellow carded, all details added to DISC.
  • 29th Called to deal with two young males who were being very abrupt and rude to staff, after speaking with them both removed from the store.
  • Called to break up a fight outside of a main store, police called, and all were detained all information gathered and all were released.
  • 30th Called to remove several groups of street drinkers who were making a nuisance of themselves, they were spoken to and asked to move on, no further issues.
  • Called to assist with the return of stolen property, the shoplifters stopped and good retrieved. Police caught up with the shoplifter later.
  • 31st Drunk removed from a city safe store, this person was creating a disturbance because of his state, he was encouraged to go home.
  • Male removed several times from the same store was eventually arrested by police for attempted shop lifting and assault on the security guard.
  • The Barton and Tredworth team checked all stores and shops in this area for COVID-19 compliance, all stores that were required to close had. No other issues.

£ 2,954.65 recovered in stolen goods by CPOs in December 2020

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