Highlights for the Month

  • 1stDeterred a known shoplifter in a Citysafe store.
  • Removed a very aggressive male from a City store who was threatening staff, Incident passed onto CCTV.
  • Assisted in locating, reporting and the arrest of a wanted offender.
  • 2ndLocated an area where drug-taking was taking place, all information has been passed on to police.
  • Reports of Street drinkers becoming a nuisance removed them from various locations.
  • Assisted in the removal of intoxicated people from several pubs.
  • 3rdWelfare checks made on a new face in Gloucester, Street link carried referral, also information provided on food, clothing and accommodation.
  • A known offender with a criminal behaviour order (CBO) reported for breaching this order. Police advised and all details recorded on the Citysafe system.
  • 4th Dealing with street drinkers, one of whom made threats to the CPOs, all details passed to the police.
  • Removed a drunk from the City area causing a disturbance, Police called.
  • Found and engaged with a high-risk missing person, Police called and took over the situation. 
  • 5th Removed a large group of street drinkers from Southgate Street bus stop area.
  • Issued yellow cards to two people for aggressive begging on Station road, all information added to the Citysafe system.
  • Removed a large group of youths from a community area, intimidating the staff from this area.
  • Engaged with the street beggars, welfare checks made and moved them on from the City Centre. 
  • 6th Monitored and checked on stores, welfare checks made on all street people.
  • Called to assist with a City store who had a shoplifter, advice given all details added to city safe system, store 101 as a crime.
  • Requested to assist with a shoplifting offence, goods not found but positive on CCTV images. All information added to the city safe system.
  • 7th Engaged with students carrying out the City safe survey.
  • Requested to retrieve items that had been stolen, they then were returned to store.
  • Attended to an incident where two females were assaulted, passed information and identification to CCTV who led police to the offenders and arrested them.
  • Requested to remove an aggressive male from a Citysafe store.
  • 8th Called to assist with a male shoplifter, identification made, and all details passed to police and added to Citysafe system.
  • Removed a holdall that was reported by a member of public, items from the bag returned to correct store as they had shop tags on them.
  • Calmed down and removed an aggressive male who had problems with Police.
  • 9th Called to identify a group of young males who had deliberately damaged two CCTV cameras in a city shopping centre.
  • Called to assist with a group of youths who had been stealing from a City stores, all goods retreived and returned.
  • Assisted in the apprehension of a wanted offender.
  • Called to assist with a medical issue in a city establishment, also alerted CCTV about a male with medical issues walking around the City, linked to the same situation.
  • 10th Attended a shoplifting operation briefing conducted by the Police, assisted with the processing of two offences during the day. All stolen items were returned to correct stores. Very positive partnership working.
  • 11th Called several times throughout the day to identify persons caught stealing from stores.
  • Dealt with a shoplifter caught in store stealing, processed and all details reported to police and added to Citysafe system.
  • Located a known shoplifter who had just stolen items from a city safe store, detained and restrained this person who became violent, police called and arrested this individual.
  • 12th Drug taker removed from a block of flats in the city centre, all information of location and individual reported to police.
  • A couple of rough sleepers removed from a fire exit of a large store and advice given.
  • 13th– CPOs on training course.
  • 14th Patrolled the City areas, Docks and the Quays.
  • Assisted with a stolen handbag from a city safe store, information added to city safe system.
  • 15th Called to a Citysafe store and assisted with a detained shoplifter, yellow card issued, and information added to Citysafe system.
  • Stolen goods retrieved and returned to stores; all information added to Citysafe system.
  • 16th Removed street drinkers from public areas several times during the day.
  • Called to several City stores to assist in dealing with shoplifting offences, yellow cards issued, and all details added to the Citysafe system.
  • 17th Assist with a shoplifter, returned stolen goods to correct stores.
  • 18th Monitored known shoplifters around the city.
  • Returned stock taken by shoplifting the previous day.
  • 19th Assisted with the location and detention of a wanted criminal.
  • Called to assist with a shoplifter caught in a Citysafe store for theft and criminal damage.
  • 20th Called to a City area to assist with the removal of a male taking drugs, yellow card issues and all information added to Citysafe system.
  • Assisted a young female being harassed and bullied in the city, police and her parents were called the young girl went home with the parent.
  • Called to assist at the City Council gateway building, due to the possibility of an aggressive client.
  • 21st Assisted with the American ambassador visit into the City Centre.
  • Called to assist with and aggressive female shoplifter. All details added to Citysafe system and police informed.
  • 22nd Removed two groups of youths who were being aggressive to others in the City area.
  • Moved on two street beggars who were aggressively begging.
  • 23rd Assisted with the 1st Rifles freedom of the city march through town.
  • Called to assist the Quays area with a group of unruly youths, dispersed the group.
  • Passed on information about a possible missing student to CCTV, no further information about this individual has come forward.
  • 24th Called several times to assist with shoplifting offences, yellow cards issued, and all information added to the Citysafe system.
  • 25th Assisted with several shoplifting offences during the day. Returned items stolen to correct stores. All information added to Citysafe system.
  • 26th Monitoring known shoplifting offenders, managed to deter at least two offences by being present in that store.
  • Managed to retrieve stolen items and return to store.
  • First aid given to a casualty on the cross, ambulance called as this person was drunk and had taken some tablets.
  • 27th Found two ladies’ purses and reunited them with their owners, they had been stolen earlier in the week.
  • Called to assist with a drunk aggressive male shoplifter, issued yellow card and calmed him down to enable him to be processed.
  • Assisted in removing a drunk male sleeping in the toilets of Eastgate.
  • 28th Called to a Citysafe store as a window had been smashed, the possible offender was questioned but released as police will be questioning at a later date.
  • 29th Monitored known offenders around the City area deterring shoplifting in City safe stores.
  • Assisted with an individual who was claiming to be ill and getting members of the public to ring an ambulance for him.
  • 30th Called to assist with an aggressive male in a store, which transpired to be a personnel argument with a staff member and a member of public. The situation was calmed down and the member of public left the centre.
  • Called to assist with the removal of an aggressive drunk from Citysafe store.
  • Requested to assist with the removal of a group of young teenagers from various locations during the day / night.

February 2019

Stores Visited

Welfare checks

Street Drinkers



Suspicious behaviour


Cards Issued

Week 1










Week 2










Week 3










Week 4










Week 5



















£ 3,082.51 recovered stolen goods by CPOs in November 2019
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