Highlights for the Month

  • 1stCity Safe Members Meetings – Both attended.
  • Assisted in a medical incident, until Police took control.
  • Assisted with the removal of a group of youths causing a nuisance in a City business.   
  • 2ndTwo known offenders spotted in the City following reports they are very actively shoplifting again.
  • Spent most of the day looking for a high-risk missing persons, along with patrols.
  • This was passed down by CCTV.
  • Monitored known offenders around the town passing locations and information to Police CCTV.
  • 3rd Requested by stores to assist with several shoplifting incidents, yellow cards issued, and all information added to the City safe system.
  • Requested to assist with a group of teenagers on bicycles causing a nuisance.
  • 4th On request attended to a shoplifter in the City who had stolen meat, second yellow card warning issued for this offender.
  • Searched for several missing persons throughout the day, also initiated a missing person search for an 82-year-old lady. All were found safe and well.
  • 5th Called to assist with a shoplifter, yellow cards issued, and information uploaded to city safe.
  • Requested to assist with an issue in the transport hub of a male who had caused issues to other persons.
  • Monitored several groups of teenagers on bikes during the day causing low level ASB.
  • 6th Assisted on Eastgate street during the during a fire prior to police attending.
  • Monitored a small rally of young people protesting animal cruelty on Eastgate street and the cross.
  • Broke up a fight between street drinkers, all separated and went different ways.
  • Monitored and spoke with groups of young males on bicycles causing issues amongst the pedestrians in the city.
  • 7th Requested to assist a Store with a group of shoplifters, all names taken, and goods retrieved.
  • Assisted via radio to issue a yellow card to a female shoplifter caught and detained.                   
  • All details added to city safe and GDPR documentation issued.
  • 8th Calls coming in about a group of street drinkers causing a disturbance, spoke with group and moved them out of the city.
  • Assisted with arrest of a known and wanted person.
  • Assisted with a security device issue at a business premises.
  • 9th– On request from several business premises assisted with shoplifting issues from identification to passing on information.
  • Located and assisted with a missing person being found and reunited with family.
  • 10th On request assisted stores with shoplifters, yellow cards issued, and system updated with all details, several identifications of shop lifter passed to stores and advice given on appropriate actions to be taken.
  • Spoke with a possible fake charity stand who was trading without permission.
  • 11th Acted on information in relation to two recent burglaries, gained information and passed to police.
  • Called to a city safe store to remove a male who refused to leave the shop, after being spoken to male left with no further issues.
  • Assisted the Police with a welfare case of an individual in distress.
  • Intervened in an argument with two males, both calmed down and left the area.
  • 12th Monitored known offenders around the city, deterring them from entering city safe stores.
  • Assisting in helping a male with serious mental health issues getting the correct help he required with partner agencies.
  • 13thOn request helped detect a shoplifting offence, identification and advice given to a city safe store.
  • Assisted other security staff with a group of males who were becoming a nuisance in one of the shopping centres.
  • 14th Assisted with a concern for welfare of a young distressed female. Police called and took over this incident.
  • Request for assistance over the radio from a city safe store. Female shoplifter was arrested by police for offences, she was also wanted by police.
  • Instigated and assisted with an investigation of a harassment incident which happened in one of the fast food chains, Police called and took over the incident.
  • 15th Dealt with a young female who had welfare issues, she was assisted, and help was signposted and called for her.
  • Called to assist in several shoplifting incidents, all information added to City safe system yellow cards issued.
  • Called by a member of public with concerns that street drinkers were being a nuisance on Southgate Street, these drinkers were removed from the town centre.
  • 16th Called to assist a store who were having issues with a customer who refused to leave and was being very rude and aggressive.
  • Assisted a store who had had the fire alarm activated by accident, helped control the evacuation of the store.
  • Called to remove a drunk male being abusive to staff member in a charity shop.
  • 17th Retrieved items stolen from a store, items returned, and the culprit was added to city safe system.
  • Requested to assist in several cases of shoplifting, offenders detained, and all details added to city safe system, information passed onto the police. 
  • 18th Requested to remove street drinkers from Southgate street who were causing issues. V
  • Requested to assist with a case of criminal damage, all information passed onto the police, offender identified.
  • Welfare checks made on a family sleeping rough in the city, information was passed onto relevant agencies.
  • 19th Assisted with a suspect package which had been left unattended, the owner returned and was advised on the issues his actions caused. Police CCTV kept informed.
  • Assisted with the locating a missing person and eventual reuniting this individual with family.
  • 20th Two known offenders working together shoplifting in various stores, both males spotted by CPOs. One male arrested by Police.
  • Known male & female causing issues for others that are vulnerable all information and intel passed to PCSO’s
  • 21st Team photo with local MP Richard Graham and PCSOs.
  • Three females detained for theft from four different stores. All issued Yellow cards and added to the City Safe DISC system.
  • 22nd  Assist local store with distressed female that appeared to be under the influence of Alcohol, female was eventually taken home by officers as no Ambulance required.
  • Team handing out leaflets for the Retail Crime Event, lots of interest generated.
  • known male from Stroud causing issues within the City whilst busking and being under the influence of Alcohol, male eventually leaves area after several chats from CPO team.
  • 23rdFive Romanians that were sighted over Previous weekend and remain in the City after claims to be sleeping rough for one night, all information passed to the group, lots of engagements from both PCSOs & CPO team.   
  • 24thKnown male arrested as male was wanted on warrant intel passed over to PCSO’s as partner shared info on males’ location.
  • CPOs assist local store as concerns for vulnerable female in store was raised by staff. CPOs assisted and helped the female due to concerns for welfare. Police assisted.          
  • 25th Well known youth causing ASB was removed from Venue by CPO team due to his behaviour inside business, male was then monitored for the remainder of the day.
  • Known male causing ASB issues with others inside venue after being told numerous occasions to stop, he refused to cooperate. CPOs spoke with male and remove him from venue.
  • 26thGroup of youths removed from City Safe members premises as reports that they were trying to flood the facilities by blocking up sinks and toilets with loo roll. Group removed and advised to leave the area.
  • CPO team assists with new homeless male that had entered the City, all relevant information given and advised where help can be accessed.
  • 27th – Known offender passed over to CCTV due to the suspicious activity of the male, he was then stopped by police and arrested.
  • Assisted local business in detaining of two offenders who offended in store and other stores, all items retrieved, and both issued Yellow Card and Store bans given.
  • 28th Reacting to a disturbance at restaurant, large group of youths causing trouble and making threats towards staff, all removed and reported to Police.
  • Different group of young males causing harassment around the Cathedral grounds and starting a fire in the port aloo. The fire was extinguished.
  • 29th Attended the Retail Crime meeting at the DRIC.
  • Moved on several street drinkers several time during the day.
  • Called numerous times to attend different stores to identify shoplifters and person causing criminal damage. Information passed on.
  • 30th Known male spoke to CPOs making threats to what he was going to do to another person in the City. Information passed to PCSOs who then with local PC stopped the male, he was arrested for being in possession of offensive weapon.
  • Known youth offender causing Anti-social behaviour with a large group. CPOs stopped them and issued advice on the repercussions of their behaviour and the impact it will have on them later in life if they continue.
  • CPOs found male that was reported missing and had concerns for welfare, details passed over to Police CCTV, officers attended to speak with the individual.
  • 31st Welfare checks made on all street people.
  • Called to a city store a large group of youths causing ASB, they were removed and spoken to.


September 2019

Stores Visited

Welfare checks

Street Drinkers



Suspicious behaviour


Cards Issued

Week 1










Week 2










Week 3










Week 4










Week 5



















£ 2,869.75 recovered stolen goods by CPOs in October 2019

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