The graph shows the data for March 2022, data collected by CPOs and collated by Gloucester City Safe

Police CCTV Incidents attended in March 2022 = 82

Highlights for the Month

  • 1stCalled to assist with looking for a missing male with Dementia, checked all stores around the area and consulted with a family member until he was found safe.
  • Called to attend and check for identification of a shoplifter who had hit one store several times. All details added to DISC and information passed to the police.
  • Removed a street beggar who was harassing car drivers in a car park area.
  • 2nd Removed two individuals who were trying to steal items from a store, spoken to and warned not to enter the store again.
  • A male was removed from one of the pubs as he was getting abusive to staff, he was spoken to by CPOs and advised to go home.
  • A male who has a CBO was seen in an area which is part of his injunction and was reported for this.
  • 3rd Welfare checks made on a female who was in distress, after talking to her and assisting her she was taken home and all information passed onto a police team who was dispatched to this incident.
  • Attended a store requesting assistance with a shoplifter, all items were retrieved, and all information was added to the DISC system.
  • Requested to check an area after complaints of the same person allowing his dog to foul the pavements without disposing of it. No one was found in the area, but the team will continue to monitor the area.
  • Two young males were spoken to by the CPOs as they were playing very loud music in a residential area. They were asked to turn the music down which they did and then left the area shortly afterwards.
  • 4th The teams had to deal with a couple of incidents where drunk males became extremely aggressive and one needed an ambulance, both situations were dealt with.
  • One of the teams broke up a fight between two females in a bank. This turned out to be a long-standing argument. Both were removed from the premises, and both went on separate ways.
  • A large group of street drinkers were removed from the two bus stops on Southgate Street, they were becoming very loud and were upsetting the businesses in the immediate area.
  • 5th The CPO team investigated a report of a very loud bang from the Docks area of town, it may have been a firework type of explosion in one of the picnic areas. A cardboard casing was found in this area. All information passed onto the police.
  • Assisted in one of the larger stores in deterring a group of shoplifter’s intent on taking a large amount of clothing.
  • Moved on street beggars from around the town, these are all known individuals and have been reported daily to the police and specialist teams to deal with.
  • 6th– CPOs assisted in the apprehension of a young youth who had tried to flee with armfuls of clothing stolen from a store. This young male and a friend had stolen in the same manner last weekend. All items retrieved from this theft, police arrested the youth and will conduct the investigation into last weekend’s theft also. All details added to DISC.
  • Large group of street drinkers reported at the bus stops on Southgate Street. After talking to them and explaining the drinking rules (PSPO) again they left the area.
  • A Large theft of goods reported from a city safe store, very few staff and no security, details taken and will check on CCTV when operator is available.
  • 7th Welfare issue with a known female, she was in distress and the CPO team managed to talk with her until the Police team arrived, she got the assistance she required, and went with the police.
  • A shoplifter was stopped by the CPOs, and after gaining confirmation she had stolen items her bag was searched, within were several items from a store, also items from several other stores which could not be accounted. All items returned to owners, all the details added to DISC and information passed to the police.
  • A number of street drinkers and cannabis smokers moved on from various public spaces within the city, after explaining why they are being moved, most went with no issues, one got extremely aggressive with CPOs, so police informed.
  • 8th Assist train staff with a passenger who had not paid the correct price for the journey he had taken; this male became extremely aggressive when asked to pay the extra. After explaining and talking to him he then paid and continued his journey.
  • Called into a store to assess some CCTV to try and identify a male who had assaulted the security guard of the store. The male was known, and all details have been logged onto DISC and police informed.
  • 9th First aid incident with an elderly male who could not breath properly. Oxygen was provided and an ambulance was called. CPOs stayed with the male until the Paramedics turned up and took over. All first aid kits returned to owners.
  • An argument between two groups of teenagers was broken up as it was in a public space and the shouting and swearing was disturbing other customers. Both groups were dispersed in separate directions. CCTV informed so they could be monitored.
  • Spoke with and moved on many street beggars during the day but they kept returning later in separate locations throughout the city.
  • 10th CPO team attended a police group meeting for one of the individuals who is causing some issues throughout town.
  • Several shoplifters deterred in different stores during the day, one reported for breach of CBO which bans her from entering town, all details added to DISC and police informed.
  • 11th Following information from a member of the public the CPO team were able to assist a family who had their car windows smashed, a group of males had been in court earlier in a dispute with this family. Police informed and the family given contact details and incident number.
  • CPOs were called to the Quays to assist the security staff with a problem in store. After talking to both parties all were calmed down, and a resolution was achieved.
  • Called by CCTV to assist with searching for a missing male, checked normal areas and areas, PCSOs found him shortly after.
  • Welfare check carried out on one of the street drinkers who was fast asleep on a bench, after checking all was well CCTV monitored him.
  • 12th Assisted a store loss prevention officer with detaining and retrieving stock that had been stolen, a male was stopped driving off and all goods returned to store. CCTV informed and monitored the vehicle out of town.
  • A number of street beggars removed from very public areas as they were beginning to get a bit demanding towards the public.
  • 13th An urgent call was received from the Train station staff; a street beggar had assaulted a staff member when he asked him to stop asking the public for money. The CPO team caught the individual and he was held until the police arrived and arrested him. At the same time, this individual was being protected by CPOs as a group of males were looking for him due to allegedly burgling their flat.
  • A welfare check was made on a female who appeared fast asleep at the bus station. After talking to the lady, she claimed to have been suffering sleeping issues and dozed off, the team were happy after talking to her and she caught the next bus home.
  • 14th The CPOs removed an individual who was begging in a car park, he was banging on the window whilst people were parking up.
  • Called to identify a shoplifter who had stolen several bottles of alcohol from a main store, the person was known, and all details have been added to DISC and the police informed.
  • Chased and missed a shoplifter who had snatched a large amount of clothing from the front rails of a store and had run off, CCTV and CPOs attempted to catch her, but she slipped through the net. The person is known, and all details were given to the police.
  • 15th CPO team removed a group of males who were sat in the new Kings square drinking alcohol, they were informed of the PSPO in the city areas, they moved on with no issues.
  • Two known female shoplifters were removed from a city safe store from which both are banned from, breach reports were added to DISC.
  • A male who had run off from the train station without paying the correct amount for a ticket was detained by CPOs and returned to the station to pay. No further issues.
  • 16th The team participated in catching a 6-year-old youth who was running away from his mother in town. The young youth was taken home with the moth by police for their safety.
  • Assisted a store loss prevention officer with the detention and yellow card for a shoplifter, this male had stolen in store before.
  • A large group were deterred and removed from a city safe store, watched on CCTV bagging items up and when the CPOs arrived, they dumped all items, when questioned about their actions made such a scene, the decision was made by the store security to remove them.
  • 17th The street drinkers were removed from the graveyard area, there were to many and there seemed to be a lot of tension and aggression being shown within the group.
  • Welfare checks on a female who had fallen over on Eastgate Street, her friend was with her and waited for the ambulance, no major injury or first aid required, she had hurt her arm and wanted it checked out.
  • Called to stop a fight on Northgate Street between two males outside a store. One person was struck with a blow to the head but no injury, the male who conducted the assault had run off. CCTV followed and will pass onto police units. The other male walked off on the phone to 101.
  • 18th Assisted with a first aid incident, a male who had taken all his medication was sat unconscious on a bench in Southgate Street. This male was from the supported housing and staff were with him.
  • A number of street beggars spoken to and moved from public areas of the city, some refused to move, police were then informed.
  • A female shoplifter caught in a city safe store, she was detained as she had items from several stores and is banned from entering all city safe stores. All details have been added to DISC and police were called. All items were returned to stores, food items were donated to the city mission by the stores.
  • Several traveller horse and cart teams riding through town, they have been informed about the pedestrians only rule, but they explained as there were no signs saying no horses, they will continue to ride through.
  • 19th. First aid incident dealt with, an elderly female fell over and cut her lip and mouth, both were bleeding quite badly, the bleeding was stopped but she refused to get an ambulance, but called her husband who picked her up to go to A&E.
  • Two people stopped for shoplifting both had the items taken from them and added to DISC, police informed.
  • CPOs were tasked to assist in looking for a missing schoolchild, her friends had reported her and a description. The young lady was found quickly and reunited with her friends.
  • 20th A well known female shoplifter stopped and removed from a store. She was reported for shoplifting and a breach of a city safe ban. Police informed of both.
  • Removed a male who is on a watch list and a ban from city safe stores, he had the expulsion rules explained to him again. A report also went into the agency dealing with this male.
  • 21st CPOs had to deal with one drunk male causing issues in the centre, he was spoken to and removed from the city area, then had to deal with a male being rude and swearing at the CPO team. Both males were reported to the appropriate agencies dealing with these two gentlemen.
  • CPOs were called to assist in looking for a missing child, all known areas checked and searched, the child was found shortly after.
  • 22nd The CPOs collected in radios from city safe stores so the maintenance and security software can be applied, they were re-delivered the same day.
  • A male who is known was causing issues in one of the city safe establishments, after talking through the problems this male was asked to leave, which he did. Due to the nature of the issues, he was asked to stop going to the venue.
  • The CPOs assisted a male in a wheelchair to get to the bank safely and got him back to his taxi afterwards,
  • 23rd The CPO team’s colleting in radios and re-delivering them, after maintenance and security software applied.
  • Two male street beggars were spoken to about their behaviour when demanding money from the public. These two were advised to leave the city area.
  • A street busker had all his musical equipment stolen after he left it lying around unattended for a few minutes. He was advised to call 101 and record the theft, CCTV from the shopping centre Cleary shows the offender a name and time was given to the police.
  • 24th All radio deliveries now complete, a full check on the system carried out.
  • Street drinkers in the centre of the city were moved on as they had alcohol on view, No issues.
  • 25th Two incidents of street drinkers causing trouble, one was removed from a public house for shouting at patrons in the courtyard, the other was removed from Southgate Street for shouting at passers-by.
  • Welfare checks made on a pair camping out by Tesco’s on Southgate Street, a member of public rang it in saying, they would not wake up when she spoke to them. CPO Team woke them up and checked on their welfare, all seemed ok no issues.
  • A welfare check was made on a female who had appeared to have passed out in St Marys graveyard, after checking this female, the police were involved and they took over the incident, the female and her partner were taken home.
  • 26th CPOs removed a male from the Gloucester Museum, this male is becoming a bit of a nuisance, and police have now been involved. This male has now received a banning letter to keep him away from that area.
  • A report of a drunk male led to the arrest of a known individual who has been causing issues around the city. This male was asked to leave a particular area but became very abusive and threatening. Police were called and arrested him.
  • CPOs were called to a first aid incident where they became involved in giving CPR until the AIR Ambulance arrived, the CPO continued giving assistance until the causality was loaded onto the aircraft.
  • 27th Called to identify a male who had stolen alcohol from a city safe store, the male was known, and all information has been added to DISC and passed to the police.
  • Information was passed to look out for a known female shoplifter who has stolen a shops cabinet key.
  • 28th A welfare check was carried on a street person who has recently been released from prison, he was street linked and given all information on food clothing and a location to sleep. All agencies have been informed of this individual.
  • Spoke with the BID team and made a short video for them. Reference a day in the life of a CPO.
  • A Shoplifter was stopped, and stolen items retrieved from them, goods returned to the store owner.
  • 29th Called to assist a city safe store in removing a person who was becoming extremely aggressive to staff after being asked to leave the store, this male has been banned from the store by the manager for his actions previously. He has been informed he is banned until the manager decides he is welcome back.
  • First aid incident dealt with by the CPOs, a male had fallen over and had cut his hand deeply, after cleaning the wound the CPOs walked him (males’ idea) to A&E and got him seated and booked in due to long wait for ambulances.
  • 30th A new couple had moved into the area, on checking them they were street linked, and given all relevant information for food and shelter. All agencies have been informed of their whereabouts and P3 will be out to see them.
  • During patrolling the gate streets, a known female shoplifter (who had stolen a set of Keys) was seen and passed onto CCTV, police were dispatched and arrested the female and an accomplice.
  • 31st A previous street beggar is back in the city, and he was moved on and away from the cash machine on Station Road as he was harassing the public.
  • A male was stopped near the train station, he had not paid the correct fare, he was returned to the station, where he paid the full amount required.
  • Shoplifter was stopped as he left a city safe store with all goods retrieved, and the male’s description was passed to all stores via the radio and onto CCTV.


£ 2,507.25 Recovered in stolen goods by CPOs in March 2022

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