The graph shows the data for May 2022, data collected by CPOs and collated by Gloucester City Safe

67 Police CCTV Incidents Attended in May 2022 (No communications with CCTV for a week)  

Highlights for the Month

  • 1stCPO team noticed some loose wiring on one of the new seating areas on Kings square, this information was passed to Kings walk and Carter contractors.
  • Street drinkers and people begging removed from Kings square area, the new PSPO signs are now up and visible, so the drinkers were moved on and reference made to the signs.
  • Several shoplifters were deterred by CPOs and store staff, although two females had managed to take some fragrances but were stopped on the cross. The fragrances were retrieved and returned to store.
  • 2nd CPO team called to speak with a male who seemed very disturbed and was screaming and shouting, the male refused to communicate with the team but was moved off Westgate Street out of town. CCTV were informed and monitored the male.
  • A female approached the CPOs claiming she had her phone stolen, after speaking with the lady it seems she sold her phone to a store, who had paid her a sum of money which she took, but after seeing the price they put on it to resell felt that she had been duped. All on the store CCTV. She was advised on what she needed to do in order to raise a civil dispute.
  • Several shoplifting incidents dealt with, most deterred from taking items from the stores, details taken and added to DISC but also passed to CCTV and monitored them around the city.
  • A group of youths were removed from a store as they were causing ASB and moving items around. After speaking with them they were advised to leave the area.
  • 3rd CPO team stopped a male who was acting very strangely, after talking to him he was claiming to want to kill himself. Police and CCTV informed.
  • Several street beggars reported through the DISC system for begging in a public area.
  • Missing girl searched for around the local area. PCSO found her soon after reporting.
  • CPO team called to assist at the train station as two males having a fight. The CPO team broke up the fight and were speaking to the two males as soon as the police arrived handed the situation over to them.
  • 4th The police engagement vehicle and members of the support agencies were sited at the Grey Friars area for street drinkers to visit, the CPO teams supported both sides and assisted where required.
  • A wanted male was searched for in the Kings Square area for the police, this person was found shortly after.
  • CPO team involved with a first aid incident, a male had injured his hand, an ambulance had been called but the waiting time was a couple of hours. With the males consent he was put in a taxi to attend A&E; the ambulance was cancelled.
  • Drunk male causing issues on the cross, after talking to him he calmed down. He later decided to cause further issues in the town, ranting and raving, swearing at random people so police were informed, and he was arrested.
  • 5th Assisted police and a member of the public with stopping a male who had attempted to hang himself. He was spoken to and reasoned with, and police returned to him to hospital.
  • Called to assist a store with a known shoplifter, the person had run out of the store when checked by staff. CPO team attempted to locate the individual.
  • An elderly male with dementia was reported missing in the city area. All known areas checked, and the male was found. The male and his wife were reunited.
  • The individuals who were living in tents on Eastgate Street were spoken to by CPOs and council representative.
  • 6thYoung female reported as missing, as this person is known she was located, and a police team took over dealing with her.
  • CPO team assist the police and train staff in detaining a violent male who was drunk and very abusive. This male was eventually arrested.
  • CPO team removed a group of people who were smoking weed in a garage area.
  • A very drunk and abusive male was removed from the train station, he was told he could not travel in the intoxicated state he was in.
  • CPO team called to an eating establishment to remove a male who was being very loud and aggressive to members of the public, after talking to him he decided to leave. He was also reminded that he is not allowed into town as he has a court injunction. This was reported to CCTV and the police.
  • The same male from above was causing issues on Westgate Street later in the evening, due to breach of the males ban he was arrested.
  • 7th Called to identify a shoplifter in a city safe store, all details added to DISC.
  • CPO team removed seven street drinkers from outside of the transport Hub, this group have been warned before about this, some were verbally abuse but the left the immediate area.
  • The CPO team working with staff deterred a pair of males de- tagging clothing, the pair were removed from the store.
  • Alerted by store staff to a male who had tried to buy the most expensive items in store with several debit cards, which appeared to have different banks and names on the cards. This male was stopped, and his details were passed onto police.
  • Several males were removed from begging on Southgate Street.
  • CPO team assisted with a male in a carpark, he was injuring himself with a piece a piece of glass. The male was detained and held until the police turned up and arrested him for breach of the peace.
  • 8th CPO team removed three males from the King’s square area as they were causing issues and disturbing families in the area.
  • Five street drinkers also removed from the square area, due to the PSPO.
  • Called to a city safe store to identify an individual who had been stealing items from the store and got away with items.
  • Assisted security store staff with the detention of a known shoplifter who was very aggressive, police were called, and the male was arrested.
  • A male who has a CBO not to be in town and not to enter certain stores was removed and items he was trying to conceal were removed. All the details have been added to DISC, a breach has been added and police informed.
  • 9th Several street beggars were moved away from cash machine and public spaces.
  • CPO team spoke with a group of youths who were skateboarding on the granite seating areas in Kings square. After explaining it was not wise due to the potential damage, they left.
  • CPO team assisted with a first aid incident after a male had fallen over, friend took over after sorting him out. They took him home as he was a bit shaken up.
  • CCTV instructed the CPO team to detain an eastern European male until police turn up, they took over on arrival.
  • 10th Missing elderly female with dementia was reported missing by her husband, CCTV and police informed and all areas and shops searched, the lady was found shortly afterwards. All agencies informed.
  • Informed about wanted individuals who if seen to be reported to police immediately.
  • Called to a city safe store to identify a male shoplifter who had stolen items earlier in the day. All details added to DISC and police informed.
  • Street drinkers removed from the front of the transport Hub, details added to DISC.
  • 11th CPO team facilitated a meeting with a homeless individual who was claiming to have problems with P3 outreach team.
  • A Wanted male was spotted by the CPO team who monitored him until police arrived and arrested the male.
  • A Known female shoplifter was detained in a city safe store for theft. Police arrived she also was arrested for breaching her CBO order.
  • CPO team involved in an incident with a female who had been threatening to harm herself, the team continued to support her until a police team arrived to take over.
  • 12th Spoke with the Events manager for the Continental food festival on behalf of the local After explaining the situation to the events manager, it seems there has been a miscommunication. A senior representative from the council turned up to sort out the issue.
  • The CPO teams engaged with the police initiative with the homeless and street people.
  • Approached by a family who were out in the city looking for a relative who had not been seen for over a week. After checking that the police had already been informed the CPO teams were given a picture and the teams kept a look out for the missing person.
  • CPO team came across an elderly male who was trying to get an ambulance for a male who had collapsed on the side of the road. The team assisted and stayed with the male on the floor until the ambulance crew arrived.
  • An individual who has a court injunction and city ban was spoken to by a CPO and reminded of the ban, this person then verbally abused the CPO and went to try and assault the CPO.  He was detained by the team and police were called to arrest him.             
  • 13th The male who was reported missing by his family was found, some of the family members were present with him but he told police and the CPO team he wanted to be left alone. Police did the necessary checks, and he was allowed to go.
  • A young female was reported missing over the radio, CPO teams checked all the usual places, but not seen.
  • Assisted a store with the detention and process of a yellow card to a male caught stealing a bottle of fragrance. This male had been seen before this taking several items without paying for them. All information added to DISC and police informed.
  • Several street beggars moved on during the day, actively begging from members of the public and being vocal to them if they refused to hand over money.
  • 14th Several street beggars spoken to about their activities around the city, asked them to stop asking members of the public for money, as people were getting upset.
  • Spoke to and reminded an individual about his court injunction and gave him a copy of the map he has already been given, explained to him the rules that govern his injunction.
  • Called to assist with a female having mental health issues, claiming she wanted to self-harm. The CPO team continued to engage with the person whilst waiting for the police team. On arrival the police team took over the incident.
  • 15th Three female shoplifters spoken to about their behaviour in a store, all items recovered and returned to the owner. Due to their ages, they were let off with a warning and banned from that store.
  • Several street drinkers and beggars moved on from public locations, being loud and a nuisance to members of the public
  • Called to speak to a male who was shouting at random people in the street, this individual is a known street drinker and was very drunk. After explaining to him this person left the area.
  • 16th The CPO team woke up and checked one of the street drinkers who had been asleep on a public bench in direct sunlight. After checking he was ok, advised to find somewhere in the shade.
  • A group of street drinkers were moved out of the area of the transport Hub as they were very drunk and being a nuisance around members of the public. CCTV informed.
  • CCTV informed the CPO team of persons of interest to look out for.
  • Called to assist with a shoplifter who had been caught in store, all details taken and added to DISC. Police also have been informed.
  • Two people who are on a city safe exclusion, with one having a CBO were removed from a store, all details have been entered onto DISC and police informed as the CBO breach is arrestable.
  • 17th Three street drinkers removed from a store as they were attempting to walk out with alcohol without paying for it. CCTV informed and they monitored them out of the city area.
  • CPO team assisted a very drunk female, she had fallen over in a public eating area. Team member sat with her whilst she had a meal and sobered up enough to move on.
  • A very large number of street drinkers spoken to in the graveyard area.
  • 18th Assisted one of the city safe stores with a male who was being monitored trying to steal and conceal items, on arrival of the CPOs at the store he removed all the items and walked out.
  • Reported by a phone shop who had two males steal a very expensive phone and run out the store, CPO s went after them along Southgate Street and Cross keys lane. CCTV lost sight of the males, so CPOs stood down. The store only has CCTV controlled by remote at their head office so no images to circulate.
  • Reported by the CPOs to PCSO about a male who is known to police hanging around in Long Smiths car park. He was seen when the team were looking for the phone thieves.
  • Assisted a store with an identification of a female who had stolen items and managed to get away.
  • 19th Several males moved from Kings square as they were smoking cannabis around the square where families were sitting.
  • CPO team called into a store to try and identify two males who had stolen a whole shelf of cosmetics from the store, the men had left before it had been noticed. The store was advised to report it to the shopping centre to try and get a clearer picture of the two, also to 101 the incident with the police.
  • Another store reported a male had made off with item from their store, CCTV had this male on camera and got a police officer nearby to stop him. Items recovered and the male arrested.
  • 20th CPO team removing a group of street drinkers from the transport Hub, they are the same group who have repeatedly continued to drink in the main doorway area in the past.
  • CPO team split up two males who were arguing very loudly with each other. They were separated and moved on in different directions.
  • A male who had been reported as missing with a cause for concern was spotted by the team, CCTV was informed so they could either monitor or get an officer to check his welfare.
  • Both CPO teams involved in a medical incident, a person had collapsed in a confined area, so the teams cordoned off the area and first aid was administered by a CPO team member.
  • 21st Team collated information regarding an individual who has been banned from certain areas in the city. This male has been in abusing staff members, all information has been sent to the partner agencies dealing with this individual.
  • Called to identify an individual who had been in a city safe store earlier and stole items. All information was added to disc and passed to the police.
  • CPO team involved in an arrest of an individual who has a city-wide ban but was drunk in town abusing members of the public. CCTV informed and police arrived and arrested him.
  • 22nd CPOs informed CCTV of a known female shoplifter entering several stores, CPOs spoke with the person and reminded them of a city safe ban, the person was also advised to go home due to being intoxicated.
  • A street beggar was asked to move away from the area of a cash machine outside of Tesco’s on Southgate Street. No further issues.
  • CPO team assisted with retrieving a large quantity of clothing that had been stolen from a city safe store. The person who stole it was seen and the team gave chase, the individual then dropped the clothing and ran off. All goods returned to the store.
  • 23rd All CPO teams informed of a high-risk missing female. All areas were checked for this person.
  • Informed about some car details which had been stolen, and maybe hidden in the Teams area of responsibility. This was also looked for during the searching of all areas for the missing female.
  • An individual was removed from the front of Tesco’s on Southgate Street, and later from a bank where he was becoming aggressive to the cashier. This information was passed to the police as this person is becoming a concern for others safety.
  • A breach was added to DISC regarding a male who has a CBO being in town and causing issues with being drunk and abusive to members of the public. Police came out and took over the incident.



  • 24th CPOs deter a female shoplifter, who then went to pay for items she had concealed.
  • CPO team called to attend a bar where a customer had fallen off a stool and injured themselves. An ambulance was called, and the medics took him to GRH as he had banged his head.
  • A known individual who was wanted was reported by CPOs, he was riding through town. CCTV informed and monitored him until police caught up with him.
  • CPOs were called to intervene in an argument with a large crowd of mixed male and females arguing. Both sides were separated and moved off to different areas to calm down. CCTV informed and they monitored the area for a while.
  • 25th CPO team attend a street aware relaunch meeting with all agencies who deal with street drinkers, beggars and also homeless individuals. Positive meeting and plan for the next 12 months.
  • Two individuals were removed from separate stores after trying to steal items, all goods were retrieved and returned to the stores. Both people were added to DISC and all information was also passed to the police.
  • A group of youths were removed from a children’s play area for smoking cannabis. All of them were advised about the perils of doing this and were informed they would be reported to the police if caught again.
  • CPO team were assisting the police in removing a pair of aggressive males from a city safe store. They were asked to leave for being disruptive and rude to staff and refused to leave.
  • 26th CPO team assisted staff in removing a drunk male who had been refused more drink. He then became verbally abusive. Once outside he calmed down and left the area.
  • The CPO team assisted a lady who had her handbag stolen from a store whilst she was shopping. After a detailed search the bag was found in another store.
  • CPOs called into a city safe store to identify a female shop lifter who had already stolen over £200.00 worth of clothing. The person was identified, all information added to DISC, and the police informed.
  • 27th CPO team assisted train staff with two drunk females, after speaking with them and advising them of their behaviour they were allowed by staff to board the train.
  • 28th Several incidents with street beggars, they were actively begging from members of the public in all areas, they were all asked to move on from those areas.
  • Called to assist a store with a male who was caught stealing cleaning products from the store. All items returned and yellow card issued for the offence by the store.
  • Called to assist staff with a very aggressive male who was causing issues in a public eating place. Police were called, attended and arrested the male.
  • 29th CPO team deterred a group of street people in the act of dealing, the group were advised to leave the area and not to do that type of thing in public. CCTV were informed of where, who and what was going on.
  • A group of street drinkers were moved on from a public area as they were blocking an entrance and exit doorway.
  • 30th CPO team involved with a first aid incident where a drunk lady had injured herself after falling over. After checking her, she had split her lip but not badly. A relative was called and picked her up and took her home.
  • CPO team called into the office to write up statements for an ongoing investigation. This was for the police and agencies dealing with some of the disruptive individuals.
  • A female street beggar was removed from the cashpoint area on Station Road.
  • CPOs were called to a charity shop to try and identify a male who had stolen items and rode his bike out of the store, nearly running an old lady over. All information was passed to the police.
  • 31st Several street beggars were moved on from their locations as they were very close to cash machines and shop doorways, businesses were complaining.
  • CPO team called to attend a store who had a very aggressive male who had been caught stealing sports clothing. He had also damaged stock when ripping the security tags off the items. The male had left before the arrival of the CPOs.
  • CPO team called to attend a jeweller’s shop which had been robbed by a male in similar clothing to the male above from the sports shop.
  • Passed on by CCTV that the male involved with Sports clothing and jewellery store thefts has been stopped and arrested due to good teamwork and communications between CPOs, Police and CCTV.


£1,874.67 recovered in stolen goods by CPOs in May 2022


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