
Highlights for the Month

  • 1stCalled to speak with and remove a very large group of street drinkers who were creating a disturbance in a public space area.
  • Engaged with several groups of youths who were becoming a public nuisance, could have led to further anti-social behaviour.
  • 2ndPatrolled the BID area, welfare checks made with the homeless and street drinkers, also looking for a reported missing person.
  • Removed several street beggars from public areas who were causing distress to members of the public as being aggressive.
  • 3rd Spoke with and offered advice to a distressed female who was having problems at home.
  • Removed and advised a male who has a live CBO and was breaking his restrictions by being in the City.
  • Called to assist with several cases of shoplifting, one group of three individuals becoming aggressive with the staff when caught.
  • Assisted police with looking for a high-risk missing person.
  • 4th Cared for and helped with an older male who appeared to be in distress, he had been trying to cross a main road in front of traffic. Spoke with him and got him home safely and referred to partner agency.
  • Stopped and returned two female shoplifters to store and retrieved a large amount of store items that had been taken. All details have been added to DISC.
  • Monitored and spoke with gangs of youths who were chasing each other around the City looking to fight. PCSOs and CPOs engaged with them, PCSOs issued section 35s and removed them from the area.
  • 5th Assisted with the arrest of a male who had been wanted by police.
  • Attended a call to remove an aggressive drunk female from a public house.
  • Spoke to and removed a female street beggar who became aggressive.
  • 6th Assisted in the arrest of a male who had breached his CBO by being in the City.
  • Removed a female from begging and being a nuisance to stagecoach staff.
  • 7th Attended a welfare incident, a female who needed appropriate assistance was taken into care by police.
  • Assisted a City safe store with a female shoplifter who was drunk and became very aggressive, police arrested her.
  • A male was spoken to and reported for breaching a civil injunction by being drunk in the City.
  • 8th Two males reported for breaching CBO and injunctions by being in the City.
  • Attended a welfare incident where a male had been assaulted, paramedics called, and the male was taken in for observation.
  • 9th Two females spoken to for breaches of CBOs, reported for breaches.
  • CPO team assisted with a drunk male who was unconscious slumped in a doorway, male checked over, no further issues.
  • Two street drinkers having an altercation, stopped by CPOs. Police were called and they dispersed them both.
  • 10th A shoplifter caught on the street following radio report, items checked and found to be stolen, this was reported, and all items returned to correct stores.
  • Called to assist with a male who was believed to have collapsed in the City, on arrival it was found to be a male who is known for calling emergency teams. Reported to the police.
  • 11th Called to remove a drunk male from a City safe premises.
  • Assisted with a first aid incident, called for paramedics who took over the incident.
  • Called to intervene with two males arguing over a missing phone, the males were separated, and the phone was found.
  • 12th Assisted in looking for a high- risk missing person, checked all known areas.
  • Welfare checks made on street people; police called as concerns were raised on one individual.
  • Called to identify an individual on a high value theft, person known, and ID passed onto police.
  • 13th Assisted in locating and identifying a person who stole a bike, police informed with all the relevant details.
  • Attended an argument between two homeless street drinkers, sorted out the issues and dispersed both people.
  • 14th Monitored known persons around the town, also new people acting in a suspicious manner whilst in stores.
  • Deterred a known individual from walking out with items not paid for.
  • 15th Attended several calls about the drinkers in the graveyard and the high volume of noise. The drinkers were encouraged to move from the area but kept returning.
  • Called to a fight in the graveyard involving the street drinkers, one person injured but refused medical treatment.
  • Called to assist a City safe manager in collecting stolen items from two females who had walked out of the store, also checked back on the CCTV and it seems they had got away with a lot more. All details added to DISC.
  • 16th Attended a store who had a male inside making rude gestures towards staff, he had also been in other places doing the same thing. Police informed and male was detained until he was arrested.
  • Called to assist with three different cases of shoplifting, all offenders identified, and details added to DISC and passed onto the police.
  • Whilst removing a couple for breaking their civil injunction rules by being in town, found a street drinker who had been assaulted, he refused medical treatment and to name the persons who had assaulted him.
  • 17th Called by police CCTV to look for a high-risk missing person. He was later found by police safe and well.
  • Attended a call to reports of a female in distress on Southgate Street, due to the complex nature police were called and took over the incident.
  • Located and reported a male in breach of a banning order.
  • 18th Assisted police with two incidents, cordoning off areas around carparks due to people hanging of the edges.
  • Called out Severn Trent water due to a burst water pipe. Waited until the engineer arrived due to public safety.
  • Attended three incidents of shoplifting, provided identification and confirmation of offenders. All details added to DISC.
  • Assisted in looking for a high-risk person, who was later found by police.
  • 19thDealt with a pair of very drunk males who were being very aggressive to the public and CPOs, information passed to CCTV who monitored them out of the City.
  • Called and attended a City safe store who had had three shoplifters in store, they left the store before confirmation of the theft, monitored but lost sight.
  • Drunk male removed from a City safe pub, being a nuisance and distressing people. Police informed and spoke with him later.
  • Attended a young female on Eastgate carpark, she was stopped from climbing on the wall. Police arrived and took over this incident.
  • 20th Called to deal with a large group of street drinkers in the graveyard. These people were removed from the area.
  • Large group of youths on push bikes and scooters causing issues around the city and carpark areas. They were spoken to by CPOs and had the dangers explained to them.
  • Assisted a female who had been threatened by a male, this male was later identified and arrested.
  • 21st Called to several incidents of shoplifting, the individuals were identified, and information passed to the police and put onto DISC.
  • Information gathered from homeless persons passed onto police for street aware meeting.
  • 22nd CPOs attended a multi-agency meeting on homeless people, CBOs, and court injunctions.
  • Welfare checks made on vulnerable persons in and about the City. Information passed onto relevant agencies.
  • Two shoplifters identified to stores, information uploaded onto DISC, passed onto police.
  • 23rd Called to a City safe store to identify two female shoplifters, one was known and reported, the second was unknown and added as an ID sought onto DISC.
  • Reported two people who continue to breach their civil injunction by being in a banned area.
  • Called to assist with a fight that was going on by the transport hub. One individual and a large group against each other, police arrived but the arguing went on for another half an hour.
  • 24th Called to identify a shoplifter who had just ran off from store, went after the shoplifter and found out where the items are being taken, all information passed to police. Returned to the store and gave the identification to the store. All added to DISC.
  • A ladies Rolex watch was handed in by a member of the public, it was handed into the police station by CPOs.
  • Called to shopping centre, security had removed two teenaged boys for riding an electric scooter, they were arguing with the security.
  • 25th Welfare check carried out on a wheelchair bound individual who had been out overnight.
  • Two incidents of removing individuals who have CBO from the City, both added to DISC and reported.
  • Aggressive male removed from a City safe store, argument over some goods purchased and the returns policy. Male calmed down and issue sorted to both sides’ agreement.
  • Broke up two groups of fighting and arguing amongst youths.
  • Alarm activation in a City safe store, all doorways and windows checked, and manager called out. Premises secure, unknown cause of activation.
  • 26th Removed and reported a male who has a CBO against being in the city. Reported to police CCTV to monitor him out of the city.
  • Assisted a City safe store with and identification of a shoplifter who had made off with goods, a vehicle registration was passed to police, who then stopped this vehicle and arrested the individual.
  • 27th Assisted members of the public who claimed they had a male who had taken money of them. All information passed to police.
  • Assisted the police in looking for a high-risk missing person. Checked all City safe and BID areas.
  • 28th Assisted the police in looking for a missing person.
  • Found out information regarding a venerable person being taken advantage of by several people, spoke to relevant agencies and police. This is being investigated.
  • 29th Two welfare cases dealt with and sorted out, relevant agencies contacted, and information passed onto them.
  • Shoplifters chased from a City safe store, they got into a vehicle, the registration was passed to the police CCTV who monitored the car.
  • Assisted the police with a domestic argument, the couple were approached by two off duty police officers. Police turned up and took over the incident.
  • 30th Removed two street beggars from the transport hub area, being aggressive when begging.
  • Removed a male who had been causing issues with market staff and trying the rear doors of the stalls.
  • Attended an award ceremony for the CPOs from the lady Mayoress Kate Haigh in appreciation of the work carried out during the Covid-19 lockdown.

 £2,670.50 recovered in stolen goods by CPOs in September 2020

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