Much-loved organiser of the Gloucester Goes Retro festival and former mayor Colin Organ has died at the age of 72 after a battle with cancer.

The longstanding Conservative councillor for Tuffley has been described as a kind, dedicated, loyal and hardworking councillor who did amazing things for the city.

Colin’s passion for classic cars led him to create Gloucester Goes Retro which is one of the most popular events in the city. Gloucester City Council leader Richard Cook (C, Kingsway) said he will be desperately missed.

He said: “The retro festival which is coming up at the end of the month is all down to Colin and his efforts to create it. I hope we can do something to establish that as a legacy of Colin’s going forward. Even as soon as this one this month.

“With his illness, which has progressed over the past year, he tried to continue to do it all.

“Colin’s son Kevin is determined to carry on where his father has unfortunately had to end his involvement. Kevin is determined to keep that Organ stamp all over retro fest and I know he will deliver the same dedication that his father did.

“We want to do everything we can to remember Colin. He was dedicated, loyal, hard working, he did amazing things for the city.”

Former council leader Paul James knew Colin for more than 30 years through local politics and his work as an estate agent. He said he was a true gentleman and one of the kindest men he ever knew.

“Colin leaves a real legacy for the city. Gloucester Goes Retro festival was absolutely his idea and was driven by him. It’s one of the most popular events in the city’s calendar.

“The improvements at Robinswood Hill and the visitor centre were important to him. Colin lived on the slopes of the hill and that was another real passion of his and something he really pushed forward.

“The third thing is the stock transfer of the council’s housing to Gloucester City Homes. It paved the way for the homes to be better maintained and others to be built. And Colin oversaw that process and got it over the line.

“He was always the person I turned to as leader of the council whenever I had a people issue. One of the great things about Colin is he really understood people and how they thought and what motivated them.”

Councillor Steve Morgan (C, Grange) said Cllr Organ was a passionate advocate for high quality planning and raising the standards of building design and street scene appearance in the city.

He was very successful in pushing standards up in Gloucester and he was instrumental in the highly successful Gloucester Goes Retro.

“He was a great example of a passionate local councillor. I was honoured to share time with him on many occasions at committee meetings and at social events.

“He’s a great loss to the city and his family. We on the council will certainly miss him a huge amount for his wise advice and passion on many subjects. The accident he had was a cruel blow and robbed him of his time as mayor.

“He was very successful in the time he was mayor. He put his heart and soul into it. He was very passionate about his cars. His regular run around was a classic Jag and he had a Jensen Interceptor which is quite a rare car.

“His leisure and relaxation was his cars. Once the retro festival got going and its popularity rose, he was very passionate to promote it and to encourage clubs and individuals to bring their cars and display them on the day. He was really passionate and we will miss him greatly.”

Opposition councillors have also paid their respects. Councillor Jeremy Hilton said Cllr Organ was well liked by the Liberal Democrat group.

“It was sad news to hear of Colin’s death. We regarded Colin as one of the ‘good guys’ on the council, despite being in opposing political groups.

“Colin was a friendly and conscientious councillor. His legacy to our city will be the Gloucester Goes Retro festival. My condolences to his family and closest friends.”

Labour group leader Terry Pullen (Moreland) said Colin Organ was a really courteous and genuine councillor and his death is a really sad loss.

By Carmelo Garcia – Local Democracy Reporter

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Former Gloucester mayor Colin Organ dies aged 72 by | Gloucester News Centre -
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