
A man from Gloucester has received an Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction following continued drunken and aggressive behaviours in the city.

Simon Parnell, aged 37, was served with the injunction on Monday (31 July) following a hearing at Gloucester and Cheltenham County Court.

The case was brought against Parnell by Solace, a joint team of officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary, Cheltenham Borough Council and Gloucester City Council.

It followed reports that Parnell had continued to engage in anti-social street drinking activities, shoplifting and aggressive behaviours despite numerous attempts to engage with him over a number of years.

The order imposed by the courts forbids him from:

  1. Engaging in conduct which causes or is capable of causing alarm or harassment or distress to any person within the city of Gloucester;
  2. Using or threatening to use violence towards any person within the city of Gloucester;
  3. Entering the exclusion zone as outlined in red on the map attached at any time;
  4. Being in possession of an open vessel and/or can of alcohol in a public place within the city of Gloucester save for within licensed premises.

The injunction, which has a power of arrest, will remain in place until 31 July 2024 and breaches can be reported by calling the Solace team on 01452 396396.

Solace Street Aware Lead Officer Adam Stevens said: “Numerous attempts have been made to engage with Parnell by a number of organisations however he continues to refuse offers of assistance.

“Despite a number of his associates already being subject to similar injunctions he has continued to show total disregard for those who are legitimately using our city centre, for those around him or for the city’s No Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order.”

“We continue to work with our partners in the city to offer help and support to those that want it, whilst sending out a clear message that those who continue to cause harm and refuse offers of assistance will be held accountable for their behaviours, which have a negative impact on our city.”

Gloucester Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Ash Gardner said: “This is another fantastic example of the ongoing partnership work in the city to tackle anti-social behaviour.

“The granting of this injunction will send a clear message that the behaviour demonstrated by Parnell will not be tolerated.”

City Safe manager Steve Lindsay said “Parnell has become a real problem for retailers and visitors to our city, his behaviour can be anything from shoplifting to becoming aggressive and abusive towards members of the public.

“I fully support and welcome this injunction, as we have received a high number of incidents reported by our City Safe Members.

“Parnell has been offered support and has not engaged and now his behaviour is getting out of control, so this outcome is fully welcomed by the business community and visitors to our city.”

Gloucester News Centre – http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk

Gloucester man given Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction following drunken behaviour in the city by Admin | Gloucester News Centre - http://gloucesternewscentre.co.uk/
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