
Alastair Kerr, South West Regional Representative, Campaign for Pubs

“There is nothing more important than independent businesses, indeed in all aspects they are the beating heart of our communities, cornerstone of our lives and backbone of our local economy and pubs play a key role in this!

The pub scene in Gloucester has never been better! Within the last few months we have seen the opening of the Food Dock with fantastic venues involved, also in the Docks, Doctor Fosters is set to return with new owners in the coming weeks! The Pelican just enjoyed another successful beer festival and the Drunken Duck is reaching its one year birthday later this month! 

I was asked to pick a favourite of all our independent pubs in Gloucester, but in all honestly, I simply couldn’t! From the Turks Head, Cafe Rene, Drunken Duck, The Pelican, The Fountain and all the others! It’s simply impossible to choose! So enjoy them and cheers to the great Pubs we have in Gloucester!”

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