Project Solace are continuing to work with partners to come up with long term solutions to issues that blight our City.

“We are happy to report that after productive discussions with partners both within and outside of the City Council there is a clear plan of action to tackle the issues relating to the use of the Longsmith Street Multi-Story car park. This includes a number of target hardening and preventative measures as well as ways to improve the feeling of safety for those using the car park legitimately.

We have a number of other projects, which are in discussion stages with partners and if successful will see extra provisions in the City to provide support and deter ongoing problems.  As soon as we are in a position to share more information, we will do so.

At the end of April, we were successful in obtaining another Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction against a male due to his continued alcohol fuelled aggressive and intimidating behaviour in the City Centre.

We have a further Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction application being heard in court for another male highlighted as being involved in street based Anti-Social behaviour in the City. This includes continued breaches of the No Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order within the area of Greyfriars. We also have another male due to appear in court on the same day for numerous injunction breaches relating to behaviours in the City & Docks. We will of course publicise the outcomes once we have them.

There continues to be good levels of enforcement around these Injunctions, with a number of arrests in recent weeks for in-progress breaches. Many of these breaches have been witnessed by and reported by the City Protection Officers. This has allowed us to get the offenders swiftly before the Court and in one instance we’ve been able to extend the offenders injunction by a further 6-months. This is a prime example of how effective teamwork is having a positive impact in the City.

We continue to hold monthly “Street Aware” meetings, where partners from numerous agencies meet to discuss those that are highlighted as requiring more engagement / support / enforcement. As well as this, we sit on the bi-weekly “City Centre Ops Meeting” where a number of departments with City Council, as well as representatives from the Gloucester Business Improvement District (BID) meet to discuss issues both physical and environmental.

We would also like to take this opportunity to remind all members of the importance of reporting instances of Anti-Social Behaviour. To report Anti-Social behaviour which is “in-progress” please call the CPO duty phone / via City Safe Radio, the Police via 101 or Police CCTV via the City Safe radio.

To report ongoing issues, you can email

As always, we continue to conduct our own patrols and engagement within the City, if you have any questions, concerns or observations please feel free to stop us when we’re out and about or contact Adam Stevens, Street Aware Lead Officer via We’re always open to a conversation!”

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